Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Anti Dandruff Control Shampoo help?


is it best to get herbal anti Dandruff ShampooAnti Dandruff Control Shampoo help?
Hi LewisBoomBox

Look closely at the causes of dandruff below. The blood has toxins and you need to do some cleanses (colon and liver). This will assist your internal organs to rid of the toxins and clear up your blood for long term health.


It is frequently due to digestive disturbances, and is highly related to the general health of the entire body.

The most common cause of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis, a mild scalp inflammation with excessive fatty secretions that usually starts as dry or greasy scaling of the skin, but may progress to yellow-red scaling bumps along the hairline, behind the ears, in the ear canals, on the eyebrows, on the bridge of the nose, in the folds around the nose, or on the breastbone. Don`t pick or your scratch scalp, as this will only exacerbate your condition.

When infants get dandruff, it is called cradle cap, which is a yeast problem. Many skin experts in Europe consider dandruff in adults to also be a yeast problem. In other words, dandruff is often an external symptom of an internal problem. Therefore, dandruff treatments can be similar to those for treating candidiasis.


Natural Cures for Dandruff

Aromatherapy: Patchouli, rosemary, and/or tea tree oil can be massaged into the scalp.

Diet: Increase raw foods as part of an overall organic, whole foods diet. Also eat more salads and green vegetables, avoid fried foods, and significantly reduce your intake of fats, sugar, dairy products, chocolate, seafood, and nuts.

Flower Essences: Crab Apple can help with feelings of poor self-image due to dandruff.

Herbs: Rinse your hair and scalp with a strong infusion of nettle, sage, and rosemary, and drink a cup of nettle tea and take evening primrose oil (three capsules) daily.

Homeopathy: Arsen alb., Graphites, Lycopodium, Thuja, Sepia, Sulfur, and Cantharis are useful homeopathic remedies for dandruff.

Nutritional Supplementation:

The following nutrients are all useful for helping to prevent and reverse dandruff: vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, essential fatty acids (particularly omega-6), vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, and zinc. Kelp tablets can also help.

Topical Treatment: Soak your hair in a warm apple cider vinegar solution, the wrap your head in a towel. After one hour, wash your hair. In addition, you can apply vitamin E oil to your scalp each night for three weeks. Tea tree oil shampoo is also recommended.

Alternative Professional Care

If your symptoms persist despite the above measures, seek the help of a qualified health professional. The following professional care therapies have all been shown to be useful for treating and relieving the symptoms of dandruff: Detoxification Therapy, Environmental Medicine, Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy, Naturopathic Medicine, Oxygen Therapy

Best of health to youAnti Dandruff Control Shampoo help?
All dandruff is caused by a fungus (yeast) which everyone in the world has called Pityrosporum, it just shows up on some people and not others.

Zinc-based remedies such as Head and Shoulders are only a temporary fix. What you need is an anti fungal shampoo that contains ketoconazale, the only known (safe) means of killing the fungus.

Such a shampoo is Nizoral, obtainable from good chemists and costs about 拢5 for a 3 month treatment course. It can be used in conjunction with you normal shampoo.

After 20 years of dandruff Head and Shoulders stopped working but Nizoral cleared it up very quickly and I am now dandruff-free
Head and Shoulders Sensitive Care works the best for me out of any I have tried.
I promise you these products will solve your problem.

Selsun shampoo...follow instructions,avaliable at chemist.

Betnovate scalp application...avaliable from your doctor,,again follow intructions,,,both are excellent products,ive been a life long user of both ,good luck
head and shoulders is good for my daughter. you can see results really quick.
Hello! I am a hairdresser and deal with dandruff problems all of the time. First of all, are you positive it is dandruff? A lot of people get confused between dandruff and dry skin. This time of year dry skin is very common. The way you can tell is to check the flakes, are they waxy looking or are they pretty light and airy? Dandruff will be the waxy looking flake. The best dandruff shampoo out there is made by Redken. They have a whole line of shampoo, conditioner, and treatments made just for dandruff. But I would make sure it is dandruff in the first place, and not dry skin. Dandruff shampoos are made to dry out the waxy stuff, and if you have only dry skin, you will make your condition worse. Hope this information helps! Good luck!
if you suffer from really bad dandruff that gives you an intensely itchy scalp then you are not alone there.

i have found the best thing is a shampoo called T-GEL. you can get it from most supermarkets. it is a bit pricey at about 拢5 a bottle but it does the job and it lasts ages because you don't have to use it everytime. i only use it when i get a bad outbreak of dandruff and it calms it down for a good few weeks.

hope this helps
Herbal dandruff shampoo that contain ingredients such as tea tree oil work for mild cases, but if you have more severe dandruff on an ongoing basis you'll want to try a conventional anti-dandruff shampoo such as Head %26amp; Shoulders.
I find Head and Shoulders good.
Head and Shoulders is one of the best to use.
T-Gel by Neutrogena works best for me
I have suffered all my life and the only thing that worked was All Clear. Imagine my horror when it went out of production in 1995. I went round all the stores and bought about 130 bottles. I have two left. In the last year, I have been trying all different brands. The only one that works for me is Vaseline Anti Dandruff. It is sometimes called No More Dandruff. It really is a godsend. However, everyone is different and it may not be suitable for you. Good Luck.
Try Vosene
A herbal rinse is a safe method of removing dandruff. Apply lemon juice with the rind on the scalp .After 5 minutes wash off with shampoo and water. More simple remedies for dandruff at

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