Friday, January 8, 2010

Who is best anti-dandruff shampoo HEAD-SHOULDERS and CLINIC ALL CLEAR other[your choice]?

It depend's upon what suit's your hair.

As a matter of fact most of the shampoos are good enough but what suits for one guy may not help everyone.So it is hard to suggest you which one is better.SorryWho is best anti-dandruff shampoo HEAD-SHOULDERS and CLINIC ALL CLEAR other[your choice]?
HEAD_SHOULDERS, i thinkWho is best anti-dandruff shampoo HEAD-SHOULDERS and CLINIC ALL CLEAR other[your choice]?
Organics works for me all the time.....

My hair is just great.....
I use head and shoulders. Worked for me.
neutrogena t-gel
Hean n shoulders has been around since 1961. I have always used it, for me nothing else works. Most dandruff or dry scalp shampoos have a tendency to be different for a lot of people. They sell sample sizes. Pick one up and see what is right for you.

I cast my vote for Head n Shoulders :)
Head and Shoulders

it works!

1 comment:

  1. This the excellent post which I have seen and it helped me a lot , Thanks for sharing it!!
    Head & Shoulders Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
