Friday, January 8, 2010

What anti-allergy shampoos and sprays can I get for dogs?

basically my mum has dog allergies but she just has to live with the dog, shes alright with that but i want to make the allergies less for her.

what can i buy IN THE UK for the dog?What anti-allergy shampoos and sprays can I get for dogs?
You can get a shampoo called: Pine for DogsWhat anti-allergy shampoos and sprays can I get for dogs?
That is just horrible. I would never put my mom thru that. That's like being sick every single day. No way I would put a dog before anyone in my family.
In the US, Virbac has 2 great products: Allergroom Shampoo and Humilac humectant spray. I know they sell internationally, check with her dog's vet to see if they carry it or can obtain it. It's reasonably priced and works very well.

Becky: I'm allergic to dogs, too-I have FOUR of them in my house. Dog allergies aren't going to kill someone (unless maybe they are slobs who never clean their homes)...I have virtually no symptoms, because I vacuum regularly, change sheets regularly, keep the dogs clean, use and air purifier, and change my HVAC filters monthly.
Try something called ';Petal Cleanse'; - I have not tried it but heard good results. Google it.

Basically, you need to talk with the dog's vet and your mother's allergy doctor about this!

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